* Add custom selection of products in multiple boxes with add to cart button
* Display whole category (custom limited count of products) in box with add to cart button;
* Display random subset from "Latest" products (for example random 8 of latest 100 products);
* Display promotional boxes with builtin start datetime and end datetime feature with specials support
* Wnen Anylist is invoked in Category page or Manufacturer page, it is possible to define with which category or manufacturer anylist will shown;
* Wnen Anylist is invoked from Product page, it is possible to define with which product's category or manufacturer anylist will shown;
* Define custom title (multilingual support);
* Define custom link for title of box;
* Define custom limit of product count and show random products, if limit is lower than selection;
* Every box can have a code (for automatic import tasks);
* Custom size of thumbnails of products;
* Custom count of products for every box;
* Sort list of products by any field from product table